Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Back with Summer DIY

Hello Web Beauties

I am back and will be posting new summer DIY videos featuring TIE DYE!! I have become super into the hippie tie dye vibe and I am loving it!!! So stay tuned for new DIY posts!!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

3 day diet- Day 2

Hello Web Beauties!

Today I am just about done with day 2.  I have finished my second day of the 3 day diet and I do have to say it was probably the hardest.  I am hungry and all I want is a caramel roll.  So I took probably less than 1/3 of the caramel roll so I could have a little bit of sweet something  and I am okay with that because I understand that I won't loose up to the 10 pounds, but that wasn't exactly my goal this time around, due to me not really feeling well and being sick.

I have noticed I am a little more moody than usual, but I have been basically hibernating downstairs away from any type of food and so I am not tempted.  I am drinking enough water, but these past couple days I have had a headache, a runny nose, and a sore throat, and with this diet I am just not really able to get any better, so hopefully on Friday, which is the day I will be able to eat normal food again, I will stock up on orange juice and some protein and get myself better!

I haven't weighed myself for this first one, I just wanted to see if I could do it, and if I am diligent enough, I will be able to do this again, and hopefully go for at least 20 pounds this month!  (baby steps right?)

Anyway, I am signing off and going to patiently wait until tomorrow morning to have my breakfast! :)


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Started the 3 Day Military Diet

Hello Web Beauties

Today I have started the Military diet, or known as the 3 day diet.  It has been floating around pinterest for about the last month, so I decided, what a better day to start than January 1st!  This is going to be a whole new year for me!  I am investing into a camera and starting my youtube account and doing videos for you web beauties and I will loose weight and will feel good about myself!  So I have started and did the first two meals:


1/2 Grapefruit
1 slice of toast
2 tablespoons peanut butter

2 ounces of chicken, to replace a half a cup of tuna.  (I cannot eat tuna)
1 slice of toast
cup of coffee

Now I am just waiting for my third meal of the day, and I regretfully say that I have already cheated
:( I am so disappointed, but that cookie looked so good.  I figured one cheat might actually help me slowly train my body out of cheating on diets, and slowly ween myself off of sweets and actually being able to do this diet thing!  Well I will keep everything updated and will start on doing outfits for different events!
