Wednesday, January 2, 2013

3 day diet- Day 2

Hello Web Beauties!

Today I am just about done with day 2.  I have finished my second day of the 3 day diet and I do have to say it was probably the hardest.  I am hungry and all I want is a caramel roll.  So I took probably less than 1/3 of the caramel roll so I could have a little bit of sweet something  and I am okay with that because I understand that I won't loose up to the 10 pounds, but that wasn't exactly my goal this time around, due to me not really feeling well and being sick.

I have noticed I am a little more moody than usual, but I have been basically hibernating downstairs away from any type of food and so I am not tempted.  I am drinking enough water, but these past couple days I have had a headache, a runny nose, and a sore throat, and with this diet I am just not really able to get any better, so hopefully on Friday, which is the day I will be able to eat normal food again, I will stock up on orange juice and some protein and get myself better!

I haven't weighed myself for this first one, I just wanted to see if I could do it, and if I am diligent enough, I will be able to do this again, and hopefully go for at least 20 pounds this month!  (baby steps right?)

Anyway, I am signing off and going to patiently wait until tomorrow morning to have my breakfast! :)


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